Let us begin...
familiar faces...
another familiar face...
visiting Bishop's...
proud son...
Bishop Curry & the
Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jeffers Schori
The Presentation...
The Examination...
The Consecration of the Bishop...
Laying on of hands...
Congratulations from John - a new stole...
new vestments...
congratulations from Mom and Richie...
Presentation of ring by Bishop Bob and Connie...

The Proud Family together...

Walk down the aisle... one of our favorites!
An honor well deserved! Congratulations!!
The Proud Family together...
Walk down the aisle... one of our favorites!
An honor well deserved! Congratulations!!
First Eucharist as Bishop...
Bishop Curry and Bishop Anne...
Party time at the EC for the new Bishop...
back down to earth with some of her old students!