After we got Colin off to school we headed to China Pete's. Gretchen and Jill had gotten some very pretty bowls etc here and we wanted to take a look. They had some very nice items and we did pick up a couple of things. More the next time!

We headed back to get to Colin's presentation of his Balloon Rocket Project and stayed for several others. For first graders it was quite good. I'd never heard of hypotheses and Scientific Method when I was their age!
Then home for a little Grandpa and Ryan giggle time...

and another attempt by Grandma to catch up on the blog!

When Colin got home they started on some Strawberry Ice Cream.
Colin made butter from the left-over cream...

After they finished mixing it all up they discovered the ice cream machine part was not in the freezer so Mom decided to try bag ice cream...lots of rock salt and ice and a lot of cold hand shaking! It got fairly solid, enough to try samples---yum! The rest went into the freezer to get hard.
Just a fun, get caught up cloudy day!