We finished up at the Museum and headed home and had lunch. Afterwards we had a demo of the volcano for Mom. Did just as well this time.
some baseketball practice with the boys Mom is purging items they don't need anymore in preparation for their move and had sold the sandbox and slide so there was alot of great room for basketball now!
One more flower on the Bird of Paradise today. Some fun around the house and then baseball practice for Colin once again.
We have been really impressed with Colin's improvement. His coach is GREAT!
Home and then dinner and off to bed. Mom lasted a little longer tonight, but not much!
One more flower on the Bird of Paradise today. Some fun around the house and then baseball practice for Colin once again.
We have been really impressed with Colin's improvement. His coach is GREAT!
Home and then dinner and off to bed. Mom lasted a little longer tonight, but not much!