We SKYPED with Mom and Dad during Halftime. They are very chilly! But it sure was good to see them!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Quieter Sunday!
Had a quieter day today so we could all catch our breath for this week! Got up and had pancakes for breakfast and bath and then the boys watched a great video about helicopters while Grandma and Grandpa got ready for Church. Today it was Family Day at St. George's so we just had the children's sermon so a short service. The boys helped themselves to snacks at coffee hour while Grandma and Grandpa chatted with folks. Then home to change clothes and watch the rest of the Carolina Game :-( Congratulations go to Colin for this year's Bracket Picks!! He still has two teams in the Final Four - Butler and Kentucky! Go Colin! The rest of us are totally out!
We SKYPED with Mom and Dad during Halftime. They are very chilly! But it sure was good to see them!
Colin had AWANA this afternoon so Grandpa dropped him off there and came home and played trucks with Ryan while Grandma finished making the Cucumber Soup.
Grandpa picked up Colin and we had dinner - Tortillini with Macadamia Nut Pesto, Cucumber Soup and Watermelon - Yum. Not too long after that it was time for bed. Tonight was in their beds since tomorrow is a school day. A little tougher getting to sleep tonight, but they settled down just fine. Great weekend!
We SKYPED with Mom and Dad during Halftime. They are very chilly! But it sure was good to see them!