More wet this morning. Laura and Nick graciously invited us in for breakfast :-) We decided to go ahead and do our hike to Carter Fall as it was more a misting than a real rain. Was a very nice walk up there and my kind of trail where you could actually look around and not have to worry about tripping over rocks and roots.

The Carter Waterfall was beautiful too....

We started back down the trail and not to far along, Jean needed to make a woods visit. While she was gone two kids came by, Jamie and Anya. They were from Cleveland and were doing the Wonderland Trail around the base of Mt. Rainier. They still had 37 miles to go and Jamie was having severe problems with his knee with pain and swelling. He's had surgery twice on the knee. They were considering stopping the hike, but hadn't made a decision yet. They continued down the trail. When Jean returned Nick, Laura and John were discussing the situation. We decided that we would offer to take them down to the Ranger Station at Longmire, about 10 miles down the road where they could probably hitch a ride. As we were walking down the trail we decided that Jean and John could take them to their car at Mowich Lake in the upper northwest section of the park and see that area and then go on to Nick and Laura's. We caught up with them on the trail and made the offer and told them if they wanted to do that to meet us at the Campground. They were almost down there. We went back and started to break camp in preparation of heading to Nick and Laura's and they appeared about 15 minutes later and said if the offer was still open, they would love the ride. This lake is out in the boonies and the chances of catching a ride on a rainy day almost impossible. Laura invited them into the camper for some hot soup and a warm up while we finished packing. Twenty minutes later we headed out. It was a rainy, foggy day and the trip took about 1 1/2 hours. Was sort of a spooky ride going through the woods with the low clouds. The last 30 minutes were on gravel road but we got them to their car safely. They were most appreciative.

Anya and Jamie
After thank yous they were out of there headed to Seattle. We later got an email from them thanking us again and telling us they had a wonderful time in Seattle and got home safely. A fun adventure for us. Meanwhile, we walked down to the lake which on a sunny day would have been a beautiful green, but it was sort of gray today....sort of like our surroundings! We headed back down the hill and then on to Nick and Laura's. By the time we got there the weather had broken and we had sunshine for our arrival. Had a good dinner, got laundry started and had great conversation. Good day!