Below are some favorite pictures sent by team members from or 2010 Mission Trip.

Dr. Peter examining the cooks in the kitchen. Their first encounter was when the scales came out! Most had not been on one for years.

Pam Spatola's skills in Spanish were invaluable this year, particularly with the adults and the very young students, most of whom spoke very little English.

Mr. Freddy sharing the story of the Mahogany tree ( in white planter) planted by the children with Mr. John.

Miss Rosalia, Freddy's wife and head of the kitchen, and her crew of five produce wonders every day. They feed over 525 students, all staff and any volunteers who are around a wonderful nutritious lunch as well as a liquid breakfast supplement along with a carbohydrate of some kind for the students who qualify and then a nutritious fruit snack mid morning. The Anglican schools are the only schools in Belize that have feeding programs. All other students are released for the lunch break to go to their homes. For many Holy Cross students, this is the only food they consume during the day.

The Jacks come out before school while the students are waiting to go to their classrooms. Note the bagels for breakfast and the glass of liquid supplement on the table behind...part of the feeding program for those in need. The boys play marbles in the sand beside the school.

Ah our fearless leader waiting for more sand on the deck. Note all that new land beyond the deck....tons of sand into the swamp made that possible.....all shoveled off the deck into a wheelbarrow and then moved to the edge. There's lots more land behind the tool shed to the right. Some sore shoulders from this activity!

The view from the deck at Ruby's provided us a good vantage point to watch the Guatemalan women who came each day to sell their wonderful weavings. Some had small children with them and some sold with their husband, particularly on the weekends when the men were not working on construction jobs.

Destiny's Mother's House. We met Destiny four year's ago when we first came to Holy Cross. and have followed her history since then. It's been a sad tale from the beginning of illness, neglect and unheaval. This is where Dr. Jim, Sandra and Kim (a visiting Social Worker) made the video on the blog. Note the board pathway leading to the house.